Before we get into the meat of this post, we’d just like to apologize for our apparent neglect of the blog. We certainly haven’t forgotten it and it will be used frequently in the upcoming year—we haven’t quite yet figured out how, but after an adjustment period it will probably be updated weekly at the very least.
The question is, of course, if we haven’t been working on writing blog posts, what exactly have we been doing? Have Max and Ai just given up on GSA? Certainly not, although things like jobs made our ability to get work done on GSA a little more difficult than it might otherwise be. In fact, it’s been quite the opposite. In the free time we could spare, we have written a constitution for the club—something we’re still tweaking but are hoping to reveal to you all sometime next month. We have also been working on a video project for the club, and hope to have the script tweaked and good to go by October at the latest.
Another part of our work for GSA has been focused on creating fun events for you (because let’s face it, sometimes we have to tell Ai to stop rambling about cissexism and have some fun!). We are in the process of setting a date for Broadway Backwards—an event that was wildly popular last year and one we hope to duplicate, or even improve upon! Check our Facebook page sometime in the next week, because we will post the date there as soon as we know it!
We’d also like to see movie nights/afternoons come back. Last year we watched RENT and Philadelphia, and although both films were moving, the movie nights weren’t particularly well-attended, and let’s face it: both films were kind of downers. We have both watched movies in all kinds of genres this summer with LGBTQ-identified characters or themes relating to the LGBTQ community, and we have permission this year to watch movies that are rated R (within some limitations, of course)! One film we’re looking to show is X-Men: First Class, among others—Ai is super excited to watch it with the club and talk about the concept of passing (because only Ai could take an action movie and talk about it in a sociological context).
But before we even get that far, we’re hoping to have a tie-dyeing event very early in the school year—keep your eyes peeled for more info about that. We’re going to try to move away a little bit from the barrage of emails and more into using Facebook so we can post more information without filling up your inboxes, so make sure to check that often! We also were hoping to have our first meeting before the Club Expo to talk about our goals this year as a club and get a sense of what you guys would like to talk about in our meetings this year.
If you have any questions, comments or concerns about GSA this year, feel free to talk to Max or Ai, or email us at We’ll do our best to get back to you as soon as possible! We hope you’re even a tiny bit as excited as we are to be back at school and that you’re excited about GSA this year.